Red Raspberry Leaf: Used by Indigenous Canadians + Americans for hundreds of years, raspberry leaves are a superior women's herb. Known as a uterine tonic, this herb brings strength, tone and circulation to the uterine muscle which may help with common PMS symptoms.
Vitex: This berry has a history in herbal medicine as a hormone regulator, especially in providing relief to PMS symptoms. While Vitex doesn't contain any active hormones itself, it has been shown to act on the pituitary gland to regulate LH (luteinizing hormone), prolactin, estrogen, and progesterone.
Maca Root: A Peruvian Beet, this root vegetable is known to have adaptogenic effects and may help with energy + libido.
Ginger: A carminitive and antispasmodic herb- this root helps with cramping, bloating, and bringing warmth + optimal circulation to the womb space.